Climate change

Climate contacts database

In the list you will find contacts to experts in many different fields dealing with climate change and environmental issues. The list of contacts was created with the support of the Media and environment project, supported by the European Climate Foundation.

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Areas of expertise


Ing. Vladimír Mašán Ph.D.

Ústav zahradnické techniky, Zahradnická fakulta, Mendelova univerzita v Brně
+420 775 977 841

PhDr. Ivan Rynda

Faculty of Humanities, Charles University
+420 224 271 439

Mgr. David Stella MSc, Ph.D.

+420 603 421 814

Mgr. Lenka Suchá Ph.D.

Ing. Jan Svitálek

People in Need
+420 739 320 646

Jan Faltus

15 years working as PIN WASH advisor, has worked in several country programs in Asia and Africa. Based in Prague PIN HQ as a sector expert since 2009. His scope of work covers support and development of the water sector, identifying and consulting projects together with their implementation, internal program monitoring and evaluation, and setting and monitoring minimum quality standards and indicators. Furthermore, he is engaged in networking and cooperation with other stakeholders from both private and non-profit sectors, and handles PR and communication with the media.

People in Need

Ing. Vladimír Mašán Ph.D.

Odborný asistent na Mendelově univerzitě a vědeckovýzkumný pracovník se zaměřuje se na problematiku zpracování bioodpadů z vinic a zahradnické činnosti za účelem využití v oblasti biopaliv a energetiky, výroby sekundárních produktů, kompostů, substrátů a tvarovaných organických hnojiv a jejich technologií.

Ústav zahradnické techniky, Zahradnická fakulta, Mendelova univerzita v Brně

PhDr. Ivan Rynda

Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

Mgr. David Stella MSc, Ph.D.


Mgr. Lenka Suchá Ph.D.

Ing. Jan Svitálek

As a specialist in tropical agriculture and rural development with 15 years of 
hands-on professional experience in international development programs as well as humanitarian assistance. Since 2013, he provides his expertise to People in Need as an Advisor for Agriculture and Natural Resource Management through technical support, program development, capacity building, strategic support or evaluations. As a member of Knowledge and Learning Department he provides a capacity in promotion and mainstreaming the topics of climate smart agriculture, climate adaptation, recovery and resilience, market-based solutions in agriculture development and behavioural change. These had been provided in emergency context (e.g. Syria, Iraq, DRC), development programming (Ethiopia, Angola, Zambia) as well as recovery context (Philippines, Afghanistan, Mali, Yemen).
In his spare time, he uses his skills of agriculture and development expert in a variety of the biodiversity conservation activities, helping to facilitate the dynamics between protected areas, national parks and local communities, with special attention to human-wildlife conflict.

Awards and publications:

People in Need