Climate change has given us floods in the Czech Republic, Pakistan, and Cambodia; the growing strength of typhoons in the Philippines; long-term droughts in Ethiopia, Angola, Zambia, Afghanistan, and Mali; and extreme winters in Mongolia.
For more than a decade, People in Need has been helping at-risk communities around the world to cope with the effects of climate change and to adapt to a changing planet. Our goal is to make our planet a better place to live, not only for ourselves, but for the nearly 10 billion people who will share it in 2050. You can help us achieve this goal.

Climate change
The leading cause of climate change is the manmade emission of carbon dioxide (CO2)s. The combustion of fossil fuels has increased the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere by more than 45 percent since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The planetary boundary for the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is 350 ppm (parts per million). In the year 2020, this concentration has already exceeded 400 ppm.
Source: Independent initiative CO2 EarthBiosphere integrity
As a result of climate change, our planet is on the verge of a sixth mass extinction. According to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, the rate of species loss is estimated to be 100 times higher than in the past 10 million years. Of Earth’s estimated eight million species, more than one million face extinction. The list of species under threat includes 40 percent of amphibians, almost 33 percent of reef-forming corals, and more than a third of all marine mammals.
Source: The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)Stratospheric Ozone depletion
The Ozone layer of the atmosphere is a layer of gas that filters the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. As this layer becomes thinner, the earth is exposed to higher levels of radiation, which increase the risk of skin cancer and damage terrestrial and marine ecosystems. The planetary boundary for ozone depletion is set at 276 Dobson Units—a measure of the Ozone layer’s density. At present, its thickness is about 283 units, compared to the pre-industrial era, when it measured 290 units. The Ozone layer was significantly damaged at the end of the 20th century by Freon gas, leading to the Montreal Protocol of 1986, which was created to stop the production of ozone-depleting substances. The Ozone layer is expected to make a full recovery by 2060.
Source: NASA Ozone WatchAtmospheric aerosol loading
By interacting with water vapour, aerosol particles play a crucial role in the hydrological cycle, which is responsible for cloud formation andl global and regional atmospheric circulation (for instance, the monsoon cycle in tropical areas). Aeroso lparticles also determine how much sunlight is reflected or absorbed by the atmosphere. However, aerosol particlescan have a negative impact on many living organisms. The planetary boundary for atmospheric aerosol loading was set mainly due to its impact on Earth’s climate. However, the chemical variety and complex interplay of aerosol particles in the upper layers of the atmosphere make it difficult to determine a definite planetary boundary.
Ocean acidification
About one third of the CO2 released into the atmosphere ends up in oceans. Although the oceans’ natural ability to absorb CO2 lessens the environmental impact of the burning of fossil fuels, it also causes the pH levels of oceans to fall. . Acidification affects many marine organisms. It also reduces the amount of carbonate ions – a major mineral building block for shelled organisms – in the water, making it more difficult for certain species of coral, mollusks, and plankton to grow and survive. The loss of these species negatively changes the structure and dynamics of marine ecosystems and could lead to a drastic decrease in fish populations.
Deposition of forsphorus and nitrogen
Nitrogen and phosphorus are crucial elements for plant growth, which is why they are also the primary nutrients used in commercial fertilizers. As a result of nitrogen gas fixation in fertilisers and unsustainable agricultural and industrial practices, the natural cycle of these two elements is interrupted, and phosphorus and nitrogen often end up in the atmosphere rather than being retained by crops and soil. Due to shear off the soil, excess nutrients enter waterways through agricultural runoff, causing certain marine plants—often algae and Cyanobacteria—to grow faster that aquatic ecosystems can handle. Nitrogen oxides are often named as one of the very potent greenhouse gases.
Fresh water consumption
According to the United Nations, as a result of water resource overuse, together with groundwater pollution caused by heavy metals and other elements used in agriculture and industrial production, three billion people will be affected by water shortages in less than 10 years, while the world’s supply of fresh water will be reduced by 40 percent. Climate change further complicates the situation. Due to population growth, global water demands in agriculture and industry will increase significantly. The planetary boundary for fresh water consumption is 4,000 km3 per year. In 2020, water consumption had already reached 3,800 km3 annually, in comparison with the 415 km3 consumed in pre-industrial times.
Source: OSN Source: Studie A Review of Water Stress and Water Footprint AccountingChanges in land use
The planetary boundary for land use refers to the percentage of land surface used for agriculture, the planet’s predominant land use. It is the driving force behind biodiversity loss, and impacts Earth’s water flows as well as the biochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and many other important elements. It also affects the availability of natural ecosystem services that healthy ecosystems provide to their inhabitants. It has been suggested that no more than 15 percent of Earth’s land surface should be covered by agricultural land; currently, this number stands at 11.7 percent.
Source: Časopis Ecology and SocietyPollution of the environment
Leakages and other releases of toxic chemicals lead to some of the most dramatic environmental changes caused by humans. Due to their impact on atmospheric processes and climate, hazardous substances and compounds can have irreversible effects on living organisms and the physical environment. Chemical pollution is managed in a variety of ways. The Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation, for instance, is an EU regulation addressing the production and use of chemicals. However, the toxicity of some substances is difficult to measure and prove, which is why we are currently unable to set a definite planetary boundary for chemical pollution.
The limits of our planet
01To maintain an adequate quality of life and the means of subsistence, we must live within the limits of our planet. These limits can be found in the concept of planetary boundaries which defines “the safe operating space for humanity,”. The concept consists of nine boundaries determine where we have crossed the tresholds and where we have not yet.
Challenges we cannot avoid
The crossing of planetary boundaries is already taking its toll: the world is facing challenges that have no historical equivalent.

9,5 bln
people on Earth9,5 bln people on Earth
By the year 2050, the population is expected toreach 9.5 billion people. This population will exert an ever-increasing pressure on the world’s natural resources. 70 percent of world’s population is expected to live in urban areas, of which, 50 percent do not yet exist. The building of these urban areas is a big challenge, but also an opportunity: we must start thinking about sustainable, low-carbon building technologies, infrastructure, and functioning of society in emerging and existing cities.
Source: The United Nations
300 mln
tons of waste300 mln tons of waste
Today, we produce about 300 million tons of plastic waste every year. This is equivalent in weight to one million Boeing 747 Jumbo Jets, 30 thousand Eiffel Towers, or one billion elephants.
Source: International Union for Conservation of Nature
75 %
ecosystems degraded75% of the Earth's surface affected by humankind
75% of the Earth's surface is affected by human activity. Deforestation, desertification, conversion of land to farmland, and urbanisation are leaving less and less natureuntouched, thus, posing a major threat to the survival of biological species and ecosystems.
Source: The United Nations
85 %
wetlands lost85 % wetlands lost
Wetlands sustain a range of livelihoods globally. These include farmers, fishermen and many others who use this unique ecosystem to grow crops, fish, or gather construction materials. Wetlands are also among the most valuable ecosystems in the world because they are home to a wide array of species, as well as a place for the storage for water, carbon, methane, and other crucial elements of the environmental cycle. 85 percent of the world’s wetlands have been lost since the year 1700.
Source: Living Planet Report
animals extinct60% animals extinct
We are in the midst of a biodiversity crisis, and many scientists claim that the sixth mass extinction is inevitable. Since 1970, humanity has eliminated 60 percent of all mammals, birds, fish, and reptiles. Additionally, approximately 41 percent of insect species have become extinct in the past 10 years, with an additional 40 percent endangered and facing extinction.
Source: The Conservation Source: Sience Direct
20 mln
people displaced20 mln people displaced yearly
Currently, about 20 million people are displaced annually because of natural disasters. The vast majority of displacements have been related to extreme weather conditions, whose frequency is increasing as climate change continues.
Source: United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesClimate change
or climate crisis?
The earth’s climate has always been in a state of flux. But the natural cycle of alternating between ice ages and interglacial periods normally takes place over the course of millennia. The speed and intensity of the current climate changes are unprecedented. For this reason, we speak of a global crisis. Ongoing climate change prevents plants and animals from naturally adapting to current conditions, and affects all areas of human activity. However, developing countries are more seriously impacted by these changes, as they have fewer assets and means for adaptation. Helping these countries is where we direct our efforts.
More about the activities of People in Need
A few degrees make a huge difference
The current level of global warming is at approximately 1.1°C above pre-industrial levels. The threshold for dangerous global warming lies between 1.5 and 2°C. Crossing this line will lead to significant changes in living conditions on Earth. According to the the World Meteorological Organization, the average temperature is expected to exceed 1.5°C of warming by 2026 with up to 40% probability.At this rate, by the year 2100, the threshold of 2.5 to 5°C will be crossed. While the difference between 1.5°C and 2°C of warming is noticeable for humanity and nature, further warming would be catastrophic.
Source: World Meteorological Organization Source: How big is the difference between a 1.5°C and 2°C temperature increase? World Resources InstitutePlanetary
Global warming is a major threat to many global ecosystems, including rainforests, coral reef ecosystems, and boreal forests. Taken together, these cover one third of Earth’s surface and play a big part in stabilising the global climate. Their collapse would lead to further temperature increases and threaten other ecosystems.
The Gulf
The Gulf Stream is a current that brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico towards Europe, and it forms an enormous global system of water circulation. However, rapid glacier melts are weakening this current. According to estimates, at the current rate of global warming, the flow of the Gulf Stream is expected to decline by between 11 and 54 percent by the year 2100. The consequences of thisslowdown will be the frezing of a significant part of the northern hemisphere, making many places uninhabitable.
Source: ScienceXSea life
The weakening of global underwater currents could lead to an even larger decline of oxygen levels in ocean waters, resulting in further decreases in marine populations.
The impacts of climate
change on society

The impacts of climate change raise the possibility of conflict over natural resources. Useable water and land are becoming scarce, and extreme weather is reducing the certainty of yields in traditional sectors such as pastoralism and agriculture. This forces people to look elsewhere for their livelihoods, and thus large-scale migrations are increasing. However, migrantdestination regions are unprepared for the influx of migrants, which leads to increased poverty, tensions and social disintegration. Such situations are often exploited by extremist organisations. The largest migration in human history has been experienced in recent decades.This migration has been caused by the direct and indirect effects of climate change: extreme droughts, floods, desertification sometimes followed by overpopulation of pests (e.g. locusts) and subsequent conflicts.,According to the World Bank, more than 143 million people could be displaced from their homes by conflict forscarce food and water resources and climate-induced natural disasters by 2050.
Source: Report Groundswell: Preparing for Internal Climate MigrationFood and water
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, 76 percent of the world’s 124 million people facing crisis levels of acute food insecurity are also affected by extreme weather conditions. At the same time, more than half of the people in developing countries live in communities whose livelihood depends on agriculture, a sector highly sensitive to changes in external conditions. With changes in world temperatures and precipitation levels, it is becoming more difficult to produce enough food and ensure a sufficient water supply for people living in affected regions . Moreover, with every drought, desertification increases causing irreversible changes to the landscape. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) identifies desertification as one of the main threats of climate change and a cause of unsustainable land management practices, including overgrazing and deforestation. Furthermore, desertification can also lead to devastating wildfires.
Source: Food and Agriculture OrganizationHealth
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global warming will have dire health consequences for world populations, especially those living in tropical areas. In parts of Africa, temperature increases will lead to an increase in the mosquito population, thus enhancing the risk of malaria, dengue fever, and other insect-borne infections. Higher temperatures may expose billions of people to deadly infectious diseases. Between 2004 and 2016, the number of disease cases transmitted through insects more than tripled, rising from 30,000 to almost 100,000 per year in the USA alone. Rising temperatures can also contribute to water scarcity and deterioration in water quality, leading to an increase in the frequency of related diseases.
Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Human rights
Environmental activists have become the most threatened activist group of the 21st century. More than 300 human rights activists are killed yearly, most of whom are killed fighting to protect land, the environment, and the rights of indigenous people. Many more activists face threats, beatings, and arrests for fighting against mining, agriculture, deforestation, and other destructive industrial practices.
How do we get out of this?
03Climate change affects all of us, but it disproportionately affects the most vulnerable. We must work to adapt to climate change, and to reduce the emissions that accelerate these changes. Adaptation and mitigation measures serve these dual purposes: adaptation strategies involve adjusting to current climate changes or those expected in the future, while mitigation strategies aim to reduce the release of emissions. Adaptation and mitigation must go hand in hand if we are to preserve our planet for future generations.
Adaptation strategies
Measures to reduce our vulnerability to climate change
Because of growing urbanisation cities must find ways of dealing with climate change. One effective adaptation strategy is to create more urban greenspace; trees provide much needed shade and improve air quality. Other adaptation measures, such as air conditioning, are more controversial. While air conditioning may bring short-term relief to individuals, it also contributes to global warming.
Mitigation strategy
Measures to reduce the flow of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
Examples of mitigation strategies include the restriction of automobile transport and the acceleration of the transition from coal-fired power plants to solar energy. However, thie latter is not a simple change; the effectiveness of solar panels must be monitored, they must be recycled and disposed of appropriately, and energy storage remains challenging.
A systemic approach to the fight against climate change
All of humanity needs to come together in the fight against climate change. But the responsibility for taking action lies with those who have contributed to it the most.
A systemic approach is key to dealing with the climate crisis. It must start with international agreements and continue at the national level of every country. The role of national governments is to coordinate the processes, provide financial support, and find ways to make citizens’ investments in adaptation and mitigation strategies pay off.
More about the activities of People in NeedInternational agreements are crucial to fighting climate change. There have been many international conferences dedicated to the topic These conferences have resultedin several agreements aiming to reduce emissions. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and the Paris Agreement are the most prominent examples.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC)
The UNFCC was the first global treaty to limit greenhouse gas emissions. It serves as a foundation for subsequent international agreements on climate change. The agreement entered into force in 1994, and by 2021 had been signed by 197 countries.
The Paris Agreement
Signed in 2015, the Paris Agreement outlined the necessary steps towards creating a global strategy for fighting climate change up until the year 2020. Countries were tasked with keeping the global temperature increaseunder 2°C, and they could also commit to maintaining the temperature increaseunder 1.5°C. The treaty’s weakness is the absence of sanctions and other enforcement measures for ensuring compliance.
The direct impact of an individual consumer’s behaviour on climate change is small, but our joint effort, particularly underpinned by social and political engagement, is not. It can lead to changes in discourse, and influence public and private sector action, and create shifts in the behaviour of future generations.
Civil activism
Through activism, citizens can hold politicians accountable infulfilling their obligations.
Volunteering & Donating
NGOs have a strong voice and the tools needed to mitigate the effects of climate change, thus creating new opportunities for a greener society.
Consumer behaviour
Mass changes in consumer behaviour are forcing large companies to turn towards more sustainable means of production.
MoreOur activities
04People in Need (PIN) responds to climate change in the Czech Republic and around the world. It helps manage crisis situations and disasters, and has long been dedicated to their prevention. PIN is constantly seeking new ways to help people face these challenges at the individual, municipal, communal, and regional levels. We help local communities implement innovative and sustainable adaptation and mitigation strategies; educate, protect, and promote human rights; respond to human rights abuses; strengthen civil society; and inspire action.
The arid Czech Republic
With rivers drying out, desolate fields, and empty wells, the Czech Republic has been feeling the effects of climate change for some time now. We will continue to face heat waves, droughts, and flash floods with ever-increasing frequency, which will affect both our national and individual finances.
More about climate in Czech republicThe Climate Protection Policy
of the Czech Republic
We are not prepared for the changes that our country is facing. The Climate Protection Policy of the Czech Republic specifies the objectives in the field of climate protection up to 2030, with a plan for low-emission development up to 2050.

In addition to spruce and larch trees, trees with deeper root systems such as pines are struggling to survive changes in their local climate. Rising temperatures areleading to pest infestations and the continued degradation of forests.

Lower-lying areas will remain especially vulnerable to agricultural droughts, which are exacerbated by soil degradation. This will have significant impacts on the volume and quality of agricultural yields.

Water resource management
Because of climate change and subsequent shifts in the distribution of precipitation, there will be a faster outflow of water from the landscape, which will reduce water levels in water bodies. The water will be warmer and be of lower quality. The demands on electricity consumption and the frequency of power outages will increase due to lack of water needed in the power sector.

Urban space
Cities will see an increase in the frequency of floods, heat waves, and droughts, as well as the depletion of groundwater sources. Densely built-up areas are already becoming urban heat islands, which makes summers increasingly unpleasant. The preservation of biodiversity and healthy landscapes in cities will continue to be a challenge.
Understanding climate change
05Developing and promoting environmental literacy, studying the dynamics of climate change, and understanding the impacts of human activity – these are the fundamental building blocks that will help us comprehend and improve our relationship with the environment.
More on educationIdentifying credible sources
It is not easy to distinguish facts from half-truths, myths, or outright misinformation, especially on topics as complex as climate change. Relying on experts is generally a good solution: climatologists for global data, social scientists for analysis on societal impacts, etc. At the same time, we should retain a certain degree of scepticism when working with information that does not refer to the original source. We have put together a list of reliable sources of information on climate change – the sources you can trust and we can vouch for!
Source overview
What are you asking?
If previous epochs in human history have been characterised by struggles against the natural elements and pernicious ideologies, the coming epoch must be entirely devoted to the renewal of the biosphere. We must learn from our mistakes and adapt to change.
At first glance, these conferences might seem like just a lot of talk, but they are built on years of intensive work by hundreds of delegates and experts. Although the decisions reached at the conferences are not binding, there is significant pressure on national governments by civil society to consider their enforcement; an active civil society plays a key role in setting ambitious goals and advocating for compliance. And adherence to climatic goals is now a matter of prestige not only for political parties but also for multinational corporations. However, any attempt at enforcement by agencies such as the United Nations would risk a backlash that would make joint action impossible.
The main reason for the rise in energy prices, however, is high demand for natural gas. The use of fossil fuels drives up prices and exposes the economy to fluctuations in the fuel market. The best way to prevent these shocks is through the development of renewable resources.
The Czech Republic’s slow transition to renewables has contributed to the jump in energy prices. If the Czech government had introduced renewables sooner, our energy prices would not be increasing so dramatically.
As the demand for electric cars grows, so does the demand for batteries and the rare materials they contain: nickel, cobalt, and lithium. The impacts of material extraction adversely affect the lives of residents, mine workers, and ecosystems such as rainforests or coral reefs. The key to lessening these impacts is the reuse of materials and the implementation of more environmentally-friendly mining methods.