Dolní Bojanovice: Adapting the landscape to climate change

Published: Apr 3, 2023 Reading time: 4 minutes

In June 2021, a devastating tornado swept through several villages in the Breclav and Hodonín regions of the Czech Republic. In response to the devastation, we launched the SOS Moravia emergency appeal. With the money raised, we dispatched teams to South Moravia to help the people affected by this extreme weather event. On that occasion, we learned that three days before the tornado, another natural disaster—a flash flood—hit the neighbouring Dolní Bojanovice. After a short reflection, we decided not only to deal with its consequences but also to help prevent a reoccurrence.

Dolní Bojanovice: Adapting the landscape to climate change
© Photo: Milan Votypka

Soon after these disasters, we started fieldwork in the villages affected by the tornado and Dolní Bojanovice. Here, too, residents could repair their homes and gardens thanks to financial aid. Subsequently, we have been working closely with the municipal authorities. Together with the association Krajinohled, we are preparing a landscape study that will make it possible to better retain water in the landscape in the future and mitigate the effects of further devastating floods and strong wind erosion and hopefully avoid them altogether.

After an initial introduction to the issues and two days of training, about 10 residents of Bojanovice joined the project. For 8 months, they recorded important data from the field in a unique QField© mobile phone application. They mapped watercourses in detail, including bank vegetation, culverts and types of channel reinforcement, agricultural and forest areas, all types of roads and their condition, looked for remains of land reclamation facilities, various shafts and places where water is held or locations with wind and water erosion.

This data will ultimately lead to the design of measures that will reduce wind and water erosion in the landscape, increase water retention, promote biodiversity and generally better prepare the landscape for ongoing climate change. Some of the necessary landscape measures have already emerged from the mapping, and so in November, we supported their implementation on municipal land by the local hunting association Stupava. The planting and replanting of trees and shrubs creates edible windbreaks that break up large swathes of fields, reduce wind erosion and provide food and shelter for many species.

Where does the project take place?

The project covers a large catchment area of more than 30 km² of local streams near Dolní Bojanovice and extends to the municipalities of Nový and Starý Poddvorov.

What are the main activities of the project?

  • Social science research

Last year, a social science survey was carried out in the area of interest, which was prepared for us by Nielsen Admosphere. Over 30 in-depth interviews were conducted with various important actors in the landscape (municipal leaders, small and large farmers, winegrowers, beekeepers, foresters, hunters, active citizens, etc.). The research results will be discussed with residents during the year and presented with proposals for upcoming measures in the landscape.

  • Participatory mapping and planning of healthy landscapes

A feasibility study is being developed in the area, which will, among other things, highlight its most vulnerable areas. The methodology consists of training volunteers from the local population in participatory mapping of natural conditions and phenomena in the landscape. The training of the volunteers was provided by Landscape Survey, and it is now also processing all the data collected. Findings from the field and suggestions from the mappers will be discussed with citizens and stakeholders, resulting in visions of a healthier landscape. Two workshops will also be held. During the first, the conclusions from the mapping and social science research will be formulated, while the second will be dedicated to the participatory design of measures and their prioritization.

  • Participatory implementation

The measures to be implemented will take the form of agrotechnical and biotechnical elements in the landscape (e.g. avenues, copses, swales, grassing of ploughed vineyard rows, etc.). Local residents are encouraged to participate in the implementation of the measures using local resources. In particular, the local Stupava Hunting Association has already implemented the first measures, and its members have been planting trees and shrubs or digging ponds for years.

  • Municipal climate action plan

Since the past Autumn, a Climate Action Plan has been in preparation in Dolní Bojanovice. The plan will first assess the municipality's urban area in terms of climate change preparedness and the use of climate-friendly approaches. It will then create a menu of possible measures the municipality can implement gradually, according to prioritization. The action plan for the municipality's intramural area is prepared by experts from the Nadace Partnerství.

More informations about the project:
Duration: 1 January 2022 - 30 June 2024
Country: Czech Republic
Total project budget: 9.800.000 CZK

Participatory planning

On Tuesday, 13 June 2023, we held our second workshop within the framework of participatory landscape planning.

✅️ At the beginning of the workshop, Hana Fránková from Krajinohledu presented specific measures, the pitfalls of which were then discussed—in-depth—by two working teams (led by local mappers). In the end, the citizens of Bojanovice voted to indicate which measures should take priority.

✅️ Now, we will have further discussions with the municipality and actors in the surroundings regarding solutions for specific measures, which we will fund through SOS Moravia resources.

in the media

Author: Roman Klecker, Barbora Vrablíková

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